

  • Country: no info
  • City: no info
  • Joined: 3 years ago
  • Gender: no info
  • Relationship status: no info
  • Posted: 19 videos
  • Age: no info
  • Sexual orientation: no info
  • Favourites: nothing
  • Total video views: 52

Sincerely thank you for your support to my work!
I am currently focusing on making videos of members of the Sakamichi idol groups(especially Nogizaka for now).
Other goals may be included in the future.
If you enjoy my video and want to fund my creation, cryptocurrency can be paid to encourage my work. Your expenses will be used to pay for the electricity required for training and to purchase more advanced graphics cards.
My Bitcoin payment address: bc1qn7s8z37dsnygnvucatd2j2ju2kt4wxud8yffh6

NogiDeep's Videos (19)

All Videos (19)
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